The 4 BIC colours
A timeless icon, famous all over the world: our BIC 4 Colors needs no introduction! Since it was launched way back in 1970, it has spanned generations, becoming a commonly used object. Today, not only is it coveted by collectors, but it is also a trendy item in schools, where it is often used to post notices of lost or stolen items, and in offices, where office workers often use the term "BIC" to refer to any writing instrument.
However, the question that arises spontaneously is: which version to choose? Between the Stylus Version (equipped with a stylus), Fashion (available in turquoise, purple, acid green and pink), Fluo (with fluorescent yellow ballpoint ink along with blue, black and red), and even the 3+1 ( with the addition of a mechanical pencil), you have the option to be traditional, flashy, trendy or functional. Also, did you know that French artist Saûdane Afif created a special version of the BIC 4 Colors for the launch of the Galeries Lafayette Foundation a few years ago, equipping it with four black cartridges!
But what is the sphere on top for, exactly? The sphere on the top of the BIC 4 Colors was originally designed to reflect the shape of a ball and the BIC Boy character. Initially, it was used to dial numbers on old rotary telephones, although not everyone had the opportunity to use this type of telephone. Over time, this ball was transformed into a ring through which you can insert a lanyard, allowing you to carry the pen wherever you want. In some versions, the ring has been replaced by a stylus for touchscreen devices or by an eraser that replaces the green cartridge in the mechanical pencil version.
For those curious to understand the internal workings, here's a bit of explanation: the body of the cam rotates and enters the plunger to generate the characteristic click sound audible when you press the button and select the writing cartridge. The distinctive sound of the BIC 4 Colors is a noise recognizable by all, an emotional experience that evokes personal memories.
In short, the BIC 4 Colors is much more than just a pen; it is a symbol of versatility, style and functionality that has spanned time and generations.